Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tester episode 2

Well... After working through a few issues, we finally got the proverbial show on the road.

Picked up some schnazzy music, and tomorrow I edit it to something to practice.

Also working on a Web domain and blog site... Exciting!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Recording tonight

Myself and Mike will be trying out the new equipment and software to see if this will work.... We are optimistic!

Though we will not be publishing this episode, we will be gearing up for the first release.... Stay tuned.

Our introduction

Hello all,

On behalf of Mike and myself we would like to welcome you to our blog to encourage sharing of knowledge and techniques about general Hazardous Materials knowledge for Emergency Responders.

We are excited to open a venue to encourage sharing of ideas from people around the world.

We will also be hosting a podcast. So if you have something to say, or would like to hear a topic covered in a show, please drop us a line on this blog or email us at The podcast is still being setup (there are a lot of little details to be done before going live), so please stay tuned. We promise it will be worth the wait.

Thanks in advance, and hope to hear from you soon.
